
Engagement of the CEO and Vice Chancellor

Author: Staff Writer

Held at The University of Fort Hare in Alice
11 July 2024

The Amathole Economic Development Agency (ASPIRE) CEO and his team had a sit-down engagement with the Vice Chancellor of the University of Fort Hare (UFH), Prof. Buhlungu.

During the welcoming The Vice Chancellor said, "He is quite happy that ASPIRE came for this session in the prospect of bringing back economic development and improving the infrastructure in the town of Alice."

The purpose of the session was to establish a collaborative work initiative between the two entities on conducting research, and other interventions, on areas aligned to ASPIRE’s strategic focus areas in the next five years. The focus areas are:

  1. Agriculture and Agro-Processing
  2. Heritage and Tourism
  3. Oceans Economy
  4. Property and Management
  5. Renewable Energy
  6. Socio-Economic Infrastructure
  7. Mining

During the purpose of the Engagement, ASPIRES CEO said, “The university has produced many leaders in our country and with the decade of renewal the aim is to be part of the continued legacy that the University has and is still moving forward with for the betterment of our future leaders and the Amathole District."

The final outcome of the Engagement is to enter in an Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U) with the understanding of working together for the betterment and development of town, the betterment of the University and the economic development of Amathole District. The two entities will continuously communicate to further establish and embed the forged relationship.

Engagement of the CEO and Vice Chancellor